Our photographer is on a year-long assignment covering Southeast Asian Motorcycle Clubs. Here are his insights into the subculture’s lingo.
1 Percenter – Used by law enforcement to refer to Outlaw/Criminal Motorcycle Gangs, but generally used by 1 percenters themselves as a point of pride, to refer to their commitment to the motorcycle subculture.

Church – An official club meeting. May also to refer to the clubhouse where the meeting takes place.
Colours – Synonymous with the term ‘patch’. Refers to the insignia of the Motorcycle Club, the primary symbol being the back patch of club insignia or logo. The most important symbol of an MC’s identity.
Full Patch Member – A full member of the Motorcycle Club. Expected to attend church and vote on club decisions.
Hangaround – An individual who has an interest in joining the Motorcycle Club, but who has not been formally asked to join. Requires sponsorship from a full patch member to become a Prospect.

Kutte – Also known as cut-off. The vest or jacket inscribed with a Motorcycle Clubs colours/ patches.
Nomad – Member of a motorcycle club, but not attached to a particular chapter. May be sent to an area to start a new chapter, or to investigate a club that wishes to become a support club.
Old Lady – Wife or steady girlfriend of a club member.

Prospect – A potential member of the club who is on a probationary period before being considered a full patch member. The MC equivalent of an army recruit.